Jen would like to get some information about labradoodles.
She opens up her browser on her laptop
Types in her browser
And is now able to find out all about labradoodles!
The content is fetched over the web
GET /labradoodles.html HTTP/1.1
"Tell to GET the information at the path /labradoodles.html"
"OK" (successful request!)
Jen's computer receives the response and displays the content in her browser.
<h3>This is the content of a header</h3>
Come to our HTML/CSS and Advanced CSS series
The form doesn't work! It's missing functionality
To give the form functionality, we need Javascript
addDog(name, breed);
The form works! Javascript gives it functionality
The data disappears! It is not being stored or retrieved.
To store and retrieve data we use JSON
Come to JS 101 and our Advanced JS series
"Tell the SERVER at to store this new dog information"
"Here is the dog information that I have stored", breed).save
The data persists! It is being stored in a DATABASE.
Our clients all send requests to the same server and store in the same database
Planning, thinking, drawing, debugging